In The Spotlight

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    Keystone Education Salon
    How far has humanity progressed in exploring genes?

    Dr. Yang Huanming, an academician from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered a keynote speech to the Keystone community titled “Into Life’s Codebook – Unraveling the Order and Revolution Behind Genes.”

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    Educational Activities
    IPC teaching and learning at Keystone Primary School

    A showcase of how teachers facilitate thematic inquiry-based learning within the IPC. Focus on a Grade 4 unit titled “Building A Village” as an entry point to explore the teaching and learning.

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    Keystone Education Salon
    How to Endure When Stability Slips Away

    Professor. John P Allegrante, Charles Irwin Lambert Professor of Health Behavior and Education at Columbia University, graced the Keystone Education Salon, where he delivered an engaging presentation for the community.

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    Keystone Thought Lab
    Imagining the Future with Silicon Valley Visonary Steven Hoffman

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    Campus life
    2024 Keystone Autumn Fest | Behind The Light And Everything

    From spectacular games to a splendid bazaar and superb performances, Autumn Fest brought together the Keystone community while the sun's still out.

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    Academic life
    Sustainable Pathways for a Futured-Focused Education

    In September 2024, Keystone teacher and students initiated a three-day discussion among students, teachers, industry experts, and NGO representatives on how service-learning can impact the future of sustainable development.

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    Campus life
    I Belong - Residential Life at Keystone

    Keystone's residential life program is a blend of Chinese and western traditions and philosophies in which we place the precepts of honor, integrity, service and leadership at the heart of our residential community.

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    Academic life
    WASC President Dr. Barry Groves Visited Keystone Academy

    Dr. Barry Groves delivered a talk titled Cultivation of Innovative Talents and Interpretation of World Top Universities for the Keystone community.

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    Campus life
    Keystone’s 2024-2025 School Year Begins

    As the new academic year graces the Keystone campus, an invigorating spirit permeates the air. Through myriad activities, educators and students forge unbreakable bonds, building a community that thrives on the very essence of togetherness and belonging.

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    Academic life
    What is TOK and what is TOK Exhibition?

    What is TOK Theory of Knowledge? What does a TOK classroom look like? Why is Keystone's TOK class so special? A TOK Exhibition will tell you.

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    Campus life
    A year of theater memories at Keystone PAC

    Experience a different life on stage. In the 2023-2024 academic year, Keystone Academy saw 6 student dramas wonderfully performed.

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    Campus life
    Keystone 10th Anniversary Charity Gala | 10 Years of Walking with the World