
Weekly Message from Head of School 2022/12/25-2022/12/31


Dear Keystone Community,

Thank you for everything! As the semester draws to a close, I invite us all to reflect on the ritual of gratitude.   

Schools have natural rhythms that are strikingly similar across cultures. School communities are built on rituals and routines that strengthen and unite. For years now, rituals and routines that are critical to learning, community and our individual and collective wellness have been disrupted, if not missed entirely. I think of our 12th graders, who have experienced their entire high school career under the shadow of a global pandemic. And our 3rd graders, whose entire school experience has been during pandemic times. Many of us who work at Keystone have only heard speak of a time when we hosted big public events on campus, when parents would gather on campus after school and pick up books at the library. Our routines and rhythms of connection are beyond recognition.  

But it isn’t all bad news-- things are looking up!  I think we all can feel the excitement and hope that we are indeed soaring to a new time. And, we have thrived despite the challenges. In the absence of our normal school routines and rhythms, we have sharpened new skills, and built new routines and rhythms within new restrictions. I think about the online assemblies in the primary in the secondary school, each with their own feeling of vibrant togetherness.  And celebrate the generous sharing and going above and beyond, the “How can I help?” feeling that we received and extended as we fell ill, and recovered, or struggled with our lessons.  I think of the parents sending me messages to ensure that our teachers have the medicines they might need, or students wondering how they can support the mental well-being of their peers. Our community has beautiful rituals of gratitude and care—it is part of who we are. 

Yesterday in our end of the semester employee meeting, we said thank you. We delighted in the voices of our students sharing their thanks with their teachers.  One child wrote a poem to express her thanks to the teachers: 


Your voice may sound croak

to me it’s a sweet note

A teacher fell aside

another came to guide.

Together we shall fight

Until the future is bright! 

Hearing the voices of our students expressing gratitude (with humor!) for what we did together brings grateful tears to my eyes. We have all been here for each other and our kids noticed. In this community we are all teachers, and we are all learners. Together, we are learning how our individual and unique contributions create a positive, caring community that abides in gratitude. This makes me wonder: is there anything more important we might teach and learn?   

I wish each of you and your loved ones a well-earned holiday!  We will stay in touch as we approach school re-opening after the new year—our new heights beckon! 

With gratitude and admiration to each of you, 


Emily McCarren