
As We Sail On: Latest Keystone Magazine honors leaders who guide the way amid changing times


There are various metaphors and epithets ascribed to Keystone Academy, and they undoubtedly and creatively bring life to this institution. Standing out among them is the symbolism that likens Keystone to a “ship”. Given Keystone’s claim as a world school, its metaphorical ship has ventured into uncharted territory in the education industry in China since 2014.

Keystone marked a period of consistent growth in those eight years, even during the coronavirus pandemic, thanks to the combined efforts of Keystone students, families, faculty, and employees. They are guided by school leaders who aspire to ask the right questions—those that prompt people to search for answers however different these may be. For many community members, these leaders are the symbolic captain of the Keystone ship, guiding everybody to take on a pursuit that is often fruitful, pleasurable, and transformative.


In the special tenth edition of The Keystone Magazine, we honor the people who take and have taken the lead in the Keystone community. The cover story, “As We Sail On”, is a back-to-back profile of Keystone’s founding Head of School Malcolm McKenzie and current Executive Head of School Dr. Emily McCarren as they continue to inspire the community while demonstrating the school’s remarkable story and promising future. Also, take inspiration from Keystone students who are leaders in the making and be amazed by how their active pursuit of answers and inherent curiosity drive them to understand the world and become changemakers themselves.


And speaking of change, in what ways can art and culture transform today’s generation? This issue will bring you the magnificent story of the Dunhuang caves as experienced by two people from different eras. In addition, a contemporary Chinese artist draws upon his avant-garde creations to tell how art can inspire the youth to chart their own paths in life.



As we continue to sail on towards our goals amid troubled waters and tough times in this generation, let the stories of our leaders be your standing guide. They show us how a dream has come true and now carries many young people to achieve their aspirations.







The Keystone Magazine is a space to reflect as our journey continues, progresses, and evolves. Through this publication, Keystone invites everyone to witness the growth of a new world school and the making of generations of new world thinkers. For copies, please contact